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Beginner Level Gymnastics for Children (5-10 years old) in Boca Raton


Developing children's creative and physical abilities is key to unlocking their potential and creating a harmonious future.



This class develops all muscle groups, strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, balance, agility, and posture. In the Acrobatic class, we use the most popular basic elements, which help the child release their accumulated energy, ensuring excellent mood and well-being:
Training is conducted under the close supervision and safety of a professional who is familiar with the technique of each element and will help achieve the correct body position during exercises.
The class is led by Irina, a Master of Sport in Artistic and Aerobic Gymnastics, a finalist in the Balkan Games in Greece and the European Championships, and a Certified Fitness Instructor with the American Council on Exercise.


The classes consist of dynamic and static exercises aimed at warming up the muscles, followed by stretching and strengthening. Children will learn proper stretching techniques and strengthening exercises that will help build muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination, essential for dancing or sports activities.
The class is led by Daria, a certified dance educator specializing in classical and contemporary dance, with 6 years of experience in the field.
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